Advanced Excel Programming

Automation Tool from VBA and Macro. Get Complex reports, graphs and charts in a few seconds.

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Hello, I am Sonu Harwani, Excel-VBA Developer (Founder of I've spent over 10 years using Advanced Excel, VBA, Macros and more to manipulate, analyse data and generate various tabular as well as chart reports dynamically.

In addition to data analytics, I've worked on many budgeting, forecasting, financial accounting, supply chain management, logistics etc projects for industries like Oil & Gas, Airlines, Schools, Telecommunication, Banks, Electronics, Real Estate, Restaurants/Cafes, Construction Contractors, Engineering Tools Manufacturers, Forex & Commodity Trading, Wellness & Healthcare etc.

I have tremendous experience creating customized applications that have enabled businesses to replace their old, time-consuming manual procedures with automated systems. Systems that are far more efficient, more robust and more user-friendly. I’ve worked hard to build very specific capabilities and domain depth centered around Excel Automations.

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Dubai Internet City.
